
Blow me away

Maureen stood in her walk in closet assessing her outfit choices for the night. Jonathan told her they were going out dancing and to wear comfortable shoes. She decided on emerald green slacks with a matching halter top and black strappy heels. “I can’t believe it’s been a year already,” she sighed to herself. She and Jonathan met last NYE at a party downtown and have been together everyday since.

The doorbell rang snapping Maureen out of her daydream. “Coming,” she called, smoothing her pants as she opened the door. There Jonathan stood, handsome as ever in all black. “Wow, you look fabulous,” he smirked, giving Maureen a small kiss on the cheek. “You don’t look half bad yourself, she nodded with approval. “Let me grab my wrap and we can get going,” she said grabbing her black cape off of the sofa. “All set?” he questioned, as he extended his hand. “All set” she replied, taking his hand.

Jonathan ushered her into the car, giving her a proper kiss on the lips before walking around to the driver’s side. They pulled out onto the street, the glistening Christmas lights illuminating a magical path before them. “I love this time of year” Maureen exclaimed, “the lights, the music, everything is so beautiful.” “I couldn’t agree more,” Jonathan said, eying Maureen’s perky breasts, her nipples pressing firmly against her dress, making it obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “You keep looking at me like that and we aren’t going to make it to the party,” she whispered. “You are the one sitting there teasing me,” Jonathan replied with a wide smile.

Jonathan pulled into the valet of the nightclub, still early enough that no line had formed yet. “I want some alone time with you before we go mingle.” He tells her. Iniquity has always prided itself on being the most upscale lifestyle club in the state. The owners spared no expense on the furnishings to create a fantasy romantic atmosphere. From the plush carpet to the oversized loveseats, the place radiated sex appeal.

Jonathan leads her to their VIP booth and closes off the silk privacy curtain. “That’s better,” he says, as he leaned in kissing her neck softly. Maureen giggled as Jonathan’s kisses moved down the bare skin of her back. “Mmmm, now who’s the tease?” she whispered. “Oh you haven’t seen teasing yet,” he said as he removed his suit jacket, laying it neatly across the back of the burgundy velvet chair. “The things I want to do to you tonight.”

Jonathan caressed Maureen’s breasts, his kisses becoming more intense. “I want you,” he murmured, taking her hand and placing it on the growing hard on pushing against his slacks. Maureen carefully unzipped his pants, releasing his swollen manhood. She lowered her head to his crotch, the warmth of her mouth surrounding him. “Fuck, that feels so damn good,” he moaned. Maureen didn’t miss a beat, twirling her tongue on the tip of his dick before taking him all in again.

Jonathan brushed her long black hair over her shoulder, grabbing her neck and pushing himself deeper into her mouth. “I’m close,” he stuttered, “where do you want it?” Maureen looked up and kept sucking him off. Jonathan tightened his grip and his body tensed. “Fuck!” He exclaimed as his love jetted out into her mouth. Maureen took every drop in, swallowing the salty cream without hesitation.

Jonathan chuckled as he tried to gain composure, tucking himself back into his slacks. “I guess you aren’t a tease after all,” he said. Maureen smoothed her hair and said, “no, I guess not” she smirked. As they rose to their feet, “I think it’s time to mingle,” said Jonathan, opening the curtains back, the party now in full swing. “Happy New Year babe, I love you.”