Group Education

What I Offer

Go Ahead and Ask Me

You have questions, lets sit down and discuss them. Sexual health is an area which many individuals are under educated. I want to be part of changing this, particularly for adolescents and young adults. We live in a world that is very sexualized, yet there is no consistency in positive messaging geared towards those that are in most need of it. 

Sexual Health Counseling

Not sure where to look for sexual health information, or perhaps you just have questions about a particular sexual health issue. A 1-on-1 session means that we can privately discuss just about anything related to sexual health, relationships, intimacy and pleasure. No need to feel shy, all conversations are approached through a sex positive approach.
No need to feel shy, all conversations are approached through a sex positive viewpoint and delivered with humor and lightheartedness. That means that we can discuss just about anything related to sex.

Comprehensive Sex Education

Having “the talk” for some parents is a major stressor. If you find it difficult to have conversations with your child around topics of sex, reproduction or sexuality let us help. These sessions are designed to deliver medically accurate, comprehensive sexual health education to adolescents and emerging adults. Afterwards participate in a Q&A session where we have open, sex positive dialogue at an age appropriate level.

Group Of People Shopping Concept

Small Group Education

Designed to be delivered in small group of no more than 25, let’s sit down and have candid conversations regarding sexual health, pleasure, and relationships. I take the approach of #goaheadandaskme, so get your questions ready for an open educational discussion on S-E-X.

Comprehensive Sex Education

Small Group Education

Sexual Health Counseling

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